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Call only
24 hours, 7a-7a, approximately one week per month starting with June 3-9
Patients of all ages, general cases, typically 0-2 calls per day
Must have BLS, ACLS, DEA, and OR license
Must already have an OR license
All forms of surgery on the auditory canal, the tympanic membrane, and the contents of the middle ear.
Bronchoscopy (rigid or flexible) with biopsy, foreign body removal, or stricture dilatation
Caldwell Luc procedure
Cervical esophagectomy
Endoscopic sinus surgery and open sinus surgery
Endoscopy of the larynx, tracheobronchial tree, and esophagus to include biopsy, excision, and
foreign body removal
Esophageal surgery including diverticulectomy
Esophagoscopy (rigid or flexible) with biopsy, foreign body removal, or stricture dilatation
Excision of skull base tumor
Excision of tumor ethmoid/cribriform
Facial plastic surgery, including cosmetic surgery, chemical peel, rhytidectomy, mentoplasty and
correction of aural atresia, liposuction, and implantation of autogenous, homologous, and allograft, and repair of lacerations
Harvesting of skin, fat or bone grafts of the head and neck, hip, trunk, and extremities
Ligation of head and neck vessels
Lip surgery including lipshave, partial or total resection with primary repair or by local or distant flaps
Myocutaneous flap (pectorals, trapezius, sternocleidomastoid)
Nasopharyngeal pH probe testing
Radical surgery of the head and neck, including radical neck dissection and radical excision of the
maxillary antrum for tumor
Reconstructive procedure of the upper airway
Ranula excision
Reduction of facial fractures
Repair of CSF leaks with sinus or mastoid surgery
Repair of fistulas--oral-antral, oral-nasal, oral-maxillary, oral-cutaneous, pharyngocutaneous,
trachea-cutaneous, esophagocutaneous
Rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and turbinate surgery
Salivary gland and duct surgery, including plastic repair of salivary complex
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Skin grafting procedures, full thickness or split thickness
Surgery of the oral cavity, including soft palate, tongue, mandible, composite resection, and neck dissection
Surgery of the oral pharynx, hypopharynx, arytenoid cartilages, and epiglottis
Surgical removal of teeth in association with radical resection
Suspension micro laryngoscopy
Tongue surgery, reduction and local tongue flaps
Facial nerve repair
Tracheal resection and repair
Trans nasal esophagoscopy
Transsternal mediastinal dissection
Middle ear surgery
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